


The <tfoot> HTML element is used to define the footer section of a table. It is typically used to group together the footer rows (<tr>) that contain summary or additional information related to the table’s content.

Here’s an example of how to use the <tfoot> element:

      <td>Item 1</td>
      <td>Item 2</td>
      <td colspan="2">Total</td>

In this example, the <tfoot> element is used to enclose the footer row (<tr>) that contains the total value of the items in the table. The colspan attribute is used to span the first two cells of the footer row, merging them into a single cell.

The <tfoot> element is often used to display summary information, calculations, or other data related to the table’s content. It is typically placed after the <tbody> element and before the closing </table> tag.

It’s important to note that the <tfoot> element is optional. If there is no need for a footer section in the table, you can omit it entirely.

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