


The <span> HTML element is a generic inline container used to group and style a specific section of text or inline elements. It does not add any semantic meaning to the content but serves as a way to apply styles or target specific sections of a document.

Here’s an example of how to use the <span> element:

  Please <span class="highlight">note</span> that the deadline has been

In this example, the word “note” is wrapped within the <span> element and given a class of “highlight”. The <span> element allows you to apply specific styles to the enclosed text, such as changing the color, font size, or background color, by using CSS.

The <span> element can also be used to group and target specific inline elements for styling or manipulation. For instance:

<p>Contact <span class="name">John Doe</span> for more information.</p>

In this case, the <span> element with the class “name” is used to target and style the name “John Doe” separately from the surrounding text.

Additionally, the <span> element can be used in conjunction with JavaScript or scripting languages to dynamically manipulate or add behavior to specific sections of a document.

It’s important to note that the <span> element should be used when there is no other more specific element available. If there is a more semantically appropriate element that suits the content, such as <strong> for emphasizing text or <a> for linking, it is recommended to use those instead.