


The <samp> HTML element is used to represent sample or example output from a computer program, script, or code snippet. It is typically used to display text that represents the expected or simulated output of a program or the content of a file.

Here’s an example of how to use the <samp> element:

<p>The output is: <samp>Hello, world!</samp></p>

In this example, the text “Hello, world!” is wrapped within the <samp> element. The <samp> element is used to indicate that the text represents sample output. By default, the text within the <samp> element is typically displayed in a monospaced font to visually distinguish it from the surrounding content.

The <samp> element can be used in conjunction with other elements, such as <code>, to represent code snippets with both input and output:

  <span class="user-input">print("Enter your name:")</span>
  <span class="program-output">name = input()</span>
  <span class="program-output">print("Hello, " + name + "!")</span>

In this example, the <samp> element is used to represent the program output. By applying different styles or classes, you can distinguish between user input and program output, providing a clearer representation of the code.

It’s important to note that the <samp> element is primarily used for displaying textual output. If you want to represent code or markup within your document, the <code> element is more suitable.