


The <head> HTML element is a container element that serves as the container for metadata and other non-visible elements within an HTML document. It is located at the beginning of the document before the <body> element.

Here’s an example of how the <head> element is typically structured:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="UTF-8" />
    <title>Page Title</title>
    <!-- Additional metadata, stylesheets, scripts, etc. -->
    <!-- Content of the webpage goes here -->

In this example, the <head> element wraps several elements, including the <meta> element and the <title> element. The <meta> element specifies the character encoding used in the document, while the <title> element sets the title of the webpage, which is displayed in the browser’s title bar or tab.

The <head> element can also contain other elements like <link> to reference external stylesheets, <script> to include JavaScript files, <style> to define inline styles, and <base> to specify the base URL for relative links.

The content within the <head> element is not directly displayed on the webpage but instead provides information and instructions to the browser and search engines.